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《Free and Foxy》

發布時間:2024-03-30 15:10:29

『壹』 浼婄儲瀵撹█鍥涘垯緲昏瘧

楗ラタ鐨勭嫄鐙哥湅瑙佽憽钀勬灦涓婃寕鐫涓涓蹭覆鏅惰幑鍓旈忕殑钁¤悇錛屽彛姘寸洿嫻侊紝鎯寵佹憳涓嬫潵鍚冿紝浣嗗張 鎽樹笉鍒般傜湅浜嗕竴浼氬効錛屾棤鍙濂堜綍鍦拌蛋浜嗭紝浠栬竟璧拌竟鑷宸卞畨鎱拌嚜宸辮達細鈥滆繖钁¤悇娌℃湁鐔燂紝鑲瀹 鏄閰哥殑銆傗 榪欏氨鏄璇達紝鏈変簺浜鴻兘鍔涘皬錛屽仛涓嶆垚浜嬶紝灝卞熷彛璇存椂鏈烘湭鎴愮啛銆
Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. As he went away, the fox remarked, 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.' People who speak disparagingly of things that they cannot attain would do well to apply this story to themselves.
鐙艱鍚炰笅浜嗕竴鍧楅ㄥご錛屽嶮鍒嗛毦鍙楋紝鍥涘勫旇蛋錛屽昏垮尰鐢熴備粬閬囪佷簡楣楦訛紝璋堝畾閰閲戣蜂粬 鍙栧嚭楠ㄥご錛岄弓楦舵妸鑷宸辯殑澶翠幾榪涚嫾鐨勫枆鍜欓噷錛屽徏鍑轟簡楠ㄥご錛屼究鍚戠嫾瑕佸畾濂界殑閰閲戙傜嫾鍥炵瓟 璇達細鈥滃杺錛屾湅鍙嬶紝浣犺兘浠庣嫾鍢撮噷騫沖畨鏃犱簨鍦版敹鍥炲ご鏉ワ紝闅鵑亾榪樹笉婊¤凍錛屾庝箞榪樿佽叉姤閰錛熲 榪欐晠浜嬭存槑錛屽瑰潖浜鴻屽杽鐨勬姤閰錛屽氨鏄璁よ瘑鍧忎漢涓嶈蹭俊鐢ㄧ殑鏈璐ㄣ
The Wolf and the Crane
A Wolf had been gorging on an animal he had killed, when suddenly a small bone in the meat stuck in his throat and he could not swallow it. He soon felt terrible pain in his throat, and ran up and down groaning and groaning and seeking for something to
relieve the pain. He tried to ince every one he met to remove the bone. "I would give anything," said he, "if you would take it out." At last the Crane agreed to try, and told the Wolf to lie on his side and open his jaws as wide as he could. Then the Crane put its long neck down the Wolf's throat, and with its beak loosened the bone, till at last it got it out.
"Will you kindly give me the reward you promised?" said the Crane.
The Wolf grinned and showed his teeth and said: "Be content. You have put your head inside a Wolf's mouth and taken it out again in safety; that ought to be reward enough for you."
Gratitude and greed go not together
鏈変釜灝忓╁湪鍩庡欏墠鎹夎毐銍錛屼竴浼氬効灝辨崏浜嗚稿氥傚拷鐒剁湅瑙佷竴鍙銛庡瓙錛屼粬浠ヤ負涔熸槸鋩辮湤錛 渚跨敤涓ゆ墜鍘繪崟鎹夊畠銆傝潕瀛愪婦璧峰畠鐨勬瘨鍒猴紝璇撮亾錛氣滄潵鍚э紝濡傛灉浣犵湡鏁㈣繖鏍峰仛錛屽氨榪炰綘鎹夌殑鋩 銍涔熶細緇熺粺澶辨帀銆傗 榪欐晠浜嬪憡璇浜轟滑錛岃佸垎杈ㄦ竻濂戒漢鍜屽潖浜猴紝鍖哄埆瀵瑰緟浠栦滑銆
A young boy had gone far off into the desert where he was catching crickets to put them in cages. When he noticed a scorpion in their midst, he mistook it for another cricket. The boy reached down to pick the scorpion up off the ground, whereupon the scorpion pointed his sting at the boy, ready to stab him, and said, 'If you had gone so far as to touch me, I would have set both you and your crickets free!'
This fable shows that you should not treat bad people the same way that you treat good people; rather, you should deal with each of them in the way that suits their character.
涓鍙鐙愮嫺澶辮凍鎺夊埌浜嗕簳閲岋紝涓嶈轟粬濡備綍鎸f墡浠嶆病娉曠埇涓婂幓錛屽彧濂藉憜鍦ㄩ偅閲屻傚叕灞辯緤瑙夊緱 鍙f復鏋佷簡錛屾潵鍒拌繖浜曡竟錛岀湅瑙佺嫄鐙稿湪浜曚笅錛屼究闂浠栦簳姘村ソ涓嶅ソ鍠濓紵鐙愮嫺瑙夊緱鏈轟細鏉ヤ簡錛屽績涓 鏆楀枩錛岄┈涓婇晣闈欎笅鏉ワ紝鏋佸姏璧炵編浜曟按濂藉枬錛岃磋繖姘存槸澶╀笅絎涓娉夛紝娓呯敎鐖藉彛錛屽苟鍔濆北緹婅刀蹇 涓嬫潵錛屼笌浠栫棝楗銆備竴蹇冨彧鎯沖枬姘翠俊浠ヤ負鐪熺殑灞辯緤錛屼究涓嶅亣鎬濈儲鍦拌煩浜嗕笅鍘伙紝褰撲粬鍜曞挌鍜曞挌鐥 楗瀹屽悗錛屽氨涓嶅緱涓嶄笌鐙愮嫺涓璧峰叡鍟嗕笂浜曠殑鍔炴硶銆傜嫄鐙告棭鏈夊噯澶囷紝浠栫嫛鐚懼湴璇達細鈥滄垜鍊掓湁涓涓 鏂規硶銆備綘鐢ㄥ墠鑴氭墥鍦ㄤ簳澧欎笂錛屽啀鎶婅掔珫鐩翠簡錛屾垜浠庝綘鍚庤儗璺充笂浜曞幓錛屽啀鎷変綘涓婃潵錛屾垜浠灝遍兘 寰楁晳浜嗐傗濆叕灞辯緤鍚屾剰浜嗕粬鐨勬彁璁錛岀嫄鐙歌俯鐫浠栫殑鍚庤剼錛岃煩鍒頒粬鑳屼笂錛岀劧鍚庡啀浠庤掍笂鐢ㄥ姏涓 璺籌紝璺沖嚭浜嗕簳鍙c傜嫄鐙鎬笂鍘諱互鍚庯紝鍑嗗囩嫭鑷閫冪匯傚叕灞辯緤鎸囪矗鐙愮嫺涓嶄俊瀹堣鴻█銆傜嫄鐙稿洖榪囧ご 瀵瑰叕灞辯緤璇達細鈥滃杺錛屾湅鍙嬶紝浣犵殑澶磋剳濡傛灉鍍忎綘鐨勮儭欏婚偅鏍峰畬緹庯紝浣犲氨涓嶈嚦浜庡湪娌$湅娓呭嚭鍙d箣 鍓嶅氨鐩茬洰鍦拌煩涓嬪幓銆傗 榪欐晠浜嬭存槑錛岃仾鏄庣殑浜哄簲褰撲簨鍏堣冭檻娓呮氫簨鎯呯殑緇撴灉錛岀劧鍚庢墠鍘誨仛銆
The Fox and the Goat
One fine, hot day, Fox fell into an old abandoned well. The water was chin-high and muddy, and the well's walls were green with moss, much too slippery to climb. Fox being Fox, he did not bother to worry about his fate or blame himself for being clumsy. Instead he began immediately to scheme about how to get out of this predicament.
Before long, when Fox heard the clop-clop of Goat passing by, he began to sing-tra-la-la!-and to splash water about. Soon a gray nose appeared at the well's rim.
"What are you doing down there?" called Goat.
"Just cooling off," the brazen Fox said. "This water is so perfectly delicious that I may just stay here enjoying myself all afternoon. But I'm a generous fellow, you know, and I am willing to share the fun. Would you like to join me?"
"Gee, thanks!" said Goat. Without a second's hesitation, he jumped into the water. However, when he stood on the bottom of the well, he regretted his hasty leap.
"Fox," he accused, "you told me it was pleasant down here!"
"You must have misunderstood me," said Fox. "But don't worry; I know how to get us out of this place, if you like." He smiled a foxy smile. "Just stand with your front hooves against the wall while I get up on your shoulders and climb out, and then I'll lower a rope so you can escape as well."
"They say we goats should watch out for foxes," said Goat, "but I can't imagine why. You're so clever!" And he did just as Fox asked him.
Fox clambered up onto Goat's shoulders and out of the well. As he stood once again in the sunshine, he thought about lowering the well's rope, but it seemed an unnecessary bother. Besides, he decided, that silly goat needed to learn a lesson. So Fox shook the water off, fluffed up his fur, and off he went on his merry way.
Do you know what lesson the goat needed to learn?
Look before you leap!

『貳』 鍑路甯曞厠鐨勭粡鍏哥數褰辨槸浠涔堬紵




鍑路甯曞厠涓繪紨鐨勭數褰卞幓瑗跨摐瑙嗛戝彲浠ョ湅錛屽洜涓鴻タ鐡滆嗛戞湁鐗堟潈銆傚嚡路甯曞厠錛屽コ錛屾紨鍛橈紝1944騫8鏈28鏃ュ嚭鐢熶簬鑻卞浗浼鏄庣堪錛屼富瑕佷綔鍝佹湁錛氥奆ree and Foxy銆嬨併婃槬鑹叉弧寰峰窞銆嬨併婃ⅵ涓鎯呬漢銆嬨併婄硦娑備睛鎺銆嬨


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