導航:首頁 > 電影資訊 > 上個月我去電影院看了電影英語


發布時間:2024-05-02 01:33:02

1. 鍘葷數褰遍櫌鐪嬬數褰辯敤鑻辮鎬庝箞璇達紵

see a movie錛泂ee a film

鍘葷數褰遍櫌錛歡o to the movie theatre;go to the cinema

鍘葷數褰遍櫌鐪嬬數褰憋細go to the cinema and watch a film錛沢o to the cinema see a film

涓婃$湅鐨勭數褰cant remember ; prison break ; Don't remember ; Kungfu Panda

鎴戠湅鎴戠數褰憋細I see it my way

鐪嬬殑鐢靛獎錛歴ee the movies

鐪嬫噦鐢靛獎錛歎nderstanding Film

蹇呯湅鐨勭數褰憋細must-see film ; a must-see movie ; must see film

鐪嬪畬鐢靛獎鍚庯細After the movie ; After after the movie ; After watching movies


鍘葷湅閮ㄧ數褰憋細go to a movie

鐪嬪畬鐢靛獎錛欰fter the movie ; Watching movies



  1. 鎴戜滑浠涔堟椂鍊欏幓鐪嬬數褰卞憿錛焀hen do we go to the movies?

  2. 鎴戝枩嬈㈠拰涓借帋涓璧峰幓鐪嬬數褰便侷 like to go to the movies with Lisa.

  3. 鎴戠湅鐢靛獎鐨勬椂鍊欑粡甯告兂璧蜂綘銆侷 often think of you when I watch movies.

  4. 浣犲枩嬈㈠拰鎴戜竴璧峰幓鐢靛獎闄㈢湅鐢靛獎鍚楋紵Do you like to go to the cinema with me錛

2. 鎴戜滑鍘葷湅鐢靛獎浜嗭紝鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇達紵

浣犺佺殑鏄榪囧幓寮忚繕鏄鐜板湪榪涜屾椂錛岃繃鍘誨紡:we went to the movies. 鐜板湪榪涜屾椂:we going to the moves



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