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『壹』 銆婂ぇ紕椼嬬殑闂棰


鍞愮撼寰仿瘋惃鐟熷叞 Donald Sutherland

闂灝樻儏緙 Ask the Dust (2006)

Land of the Blind (2006)

Puffball (2006)

Empty City (2006)

緹庡浗鎬璋/钀︾粫緹庡浗/緹庡浗姊﹂瓏 An American Haunting (2005)

緹庡浗姝﹀櫒 American Gun (2005)

鍌叉參涓庡嚲瑙 Pride and Prejudice (2005)

鎴樹簤涔嬬帇 Lord of War (2005)

The Four Saints (2005)

Fierce People (2005)

鍖楁瀬鍏変笅 Aurora Borealis (2004)

'Salem's Lot (2004)

Frankenstein (2004)

The Life and Times of Arthur Erickson (2004)

"The Greatest Canadian" (2004)

鍐峰北 Cold Mountain (2003)
鎰忓ぇ鍒╀換鍔/鍋峰ぉ鎹㈡棩/鎰忓ぇ鍒╄屽姩/鎰忓ぇ鍒╁伐浣 The Italian Job (2003)
浜旀湀騫垮満 Piazza delle cinque lune (2003)
Sex at 24 Frames Per Second (2003)
Baltic Storm (2003)
鎴樹簤涔嬭礬 Path to War (2002)
絎74灞婂ゥ鏂鍗¢噾鍍忓栭佸栧吀紺 The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002)
璐歸噷灝煎叏綰褰 Fellini: Je suis un grand menteur (2002)
The Magic of Fellini (2002)
澶ц厱/澶ц厱鐨勮懍紺 Da wan (2001)
鏈緇堝夠鎯 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001)
Uprising (2001)
緲誨ぉ澶ф姠妗 The Big Heist (2001)
緹庡浗褰卞彶鐧鵑儴浣崇墖 AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies (2001)
"Queen Victoria's Empire" (2001)
鎴樹簤鑹烘湳 The Art of War (2000)
澶絀虹墰浠 Space Cowboys (2000)
鏉鎵嬫棤緗 Panic (2000)
Clint Eastwood: Out of the Shadows (2000)
2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000)
Threads of Hope (2000)
The Making of 'Space Cowboys' (2000)
The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (2000)
鐩磋 Instinct (1999)
寮傚艦鎬誨姩鍛 Virus (1999)
Virus: Ghost in the Machine (1999)
Behind the Mask (1999)
澶村彿娼滆埌 The Hunley (1999)
姘告棤姝㈠ Without Limits (1998)
璺岃惤/鏆傛椂鍋滄㈡帴瑙/澶哄懡鎰熷簲 Fallen (1998)
鎰忓栦箣璐 Free Money (1998)
濮斾互閲嶄換 Assignment, The (1997)
鍗辨満澶╂晫 Natural Enemy (1997)
鐏綰挎儕鐖嗙偣 Shadow Conspiracy (1997)
鏉鎴鏃跺埢 Time to Kill, A (1996)
American Film Institute Salute to Clint Eastwood, The (1996)
鍏姘 Citizen X (1995)
鍗辨満椋庢毚 Hollow Point (1995)
鎮愭栧湴甯 Outbreak (1995)
涓栫邯鐢靛獎 Century of Cinema, A (1994)
鍙涢嗘ч獨鎵 Disclosure (1994)
Lifeforce Experiment, The (1994)
寰鏃ユ儏鎬 Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All (1994)
寮傚艦鏉鏈 Puppet Masters, The (1994)
鏈鍚庤佸喅 Benefit of the Doubt (1993)
鍏搴﹀垎紱 Six Degrees of Separation (1993)
姊﹀夠闈掓槬 Younger and Younger (1993)
Red Hot (1993)
欖旀硶濂囧叺 Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
鍐板窛鐚庡 Shadow of the Wolf (1992)
鐑堢伀闆勫績/嫻寸伀璧ゅ瓙鎯/鍥炵伀 Backdraft (1991)
閾佸箷椋庢毚 Eminent Domain (1991)
鎯婂ぉ澶у埡鏉 JFK (1991)
鐜夌背鐢扮殑鎺ц瘔 Long Road Home (1991)
Cerro Torre: Schrei aus Stein (1991)
DISCOVERY-闈炴床鐏電尶 People of the Forest: The Chimps of Gombe (1991)
Bethune: The Making of a Hero (1990)
琛鏌撶殑瀛h妭 Dry White Season, A (1989)
鐮磋導濞侀緳/閿佷綇 Lock Up (1989)
Lost Angels (1989)
Apprentice to Murder (1988)
Rosary Murders, The (1987)
Heaven Help Us (1985)
闈╁懡 Revolution (1985)
涓ゅ厜澶хㄨ醇 Crackers (1984)
Ordeal by Innocence (1984)
璐靛㈠厜涓 Max Dugan Returns (1983)
鍒閿嬪喎 Eye of the Needle (1981)
Gas (1981)
Threshold (1981)
鏅閫氫漢 Ordinary People (1980)
鐔婂矝澹澹琛 Bear Island (1979)
鐏杞﹀ぇ鍔妗 First Great Train Robbery, The (1979)
Man, a Woman and a Bank, A (1979)
Murder by Decree (1979)
Liens sang, Les (1978)
浜轟綋寮傚艦 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
鍔ㄧ墿灞 Animal House (1978)
鐧芥眰鎮╁ぇ澶 Bethune (1977)
灝忛摱騫曞ぇ鐢靛獎 Kentucky Fried Movie, The (1977)
涓涔濋浂闆 1900 (1976)
鍗¤惃璇虹摝 Casanova di Federico Fellini, Il (1976)
鐚涢拱闆勯 Eagle Has Landed, The (1976)
銛楄櫕涔嬫棩 Day of the Locust, The (1975)
Richter und sein Henker, Der (1975)
澶у欒皪 S*P*Y*S (1974)
琛鍏夐煎獎澶哄懡鍒 Don't Look Now (1973)
Steelyard Blues (1973)
鏃犺闂鑻嶅ぉ Johnny Got His Gun (1971)
鏌沖販鑺寵崏/鑺辮楁潃浜虹帇/鍏嬮瞾鐗 Klute (1971)
灝忓瀷璋嬫潃妗 Little Murders (1971)
瀵傚癁鐨勫績 Act of the Heart (1970)
鑹懼巻鍏嬫柉娓鎬粰澧 Alex in Wonderland (1970)
鎴樼暐澶т綔鎴/閾佺敳闆勫笀鎵鑽℃垬/鍑鍒╃殑鑻遍泟浠 Kelly's Heroes (1970)
椋庢祦鍖葷敓淇忔姢澹 MASH (1970)
Start the Revolution Without Me (1970)
Interlude (1968)
Sebastian (1968)
Split, The (1968)
浜誇竾澶磋剳 Billion Dollar Brain (1967)
鍗佷簩閲戝垰 Dirty Dozen, The (1967)
嬈т紛搴曟櫘鏂鐜 Oedipus the King (1967)
Bedford Incident, The (1965)
Fanatic (1965)
Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (1965)
Promise Her Anything (1965)



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