⑴ 灝忓﹁嫳璇浣滄枃:鎴戠殑鍙斿彅2綃
銆銆鍐欎綔錛屼綔涓轟竴縐嶅瘜鏈夊壋閫犳х殑鑴戝姏鍔沖姩榪囩▼錛屼笉浠呬粎瀛樺湪浜庢枃瀛﹀壋浣滈嗗煙錛岃繕騫挎硾鍑虹幇浜庡簲鐢ㄥ啓浣滈嗗煙銆備互涓嬫槸鍐欒嚜宸卞彅鍙旂殑 鑻辮 浣滄枃 渚涘ぇ瀹墮槄璇!
銆銆鎴戠殑鍙斿彅 My Uncle浣滄枃涓
銆銆I have an uncle, he is so kind to me and I like him so much. My uncle looks very young, he is busy with his work. But when he goes back on business, he will bring me the gift.
銆銆Sometimes I will play basketball with him or we watch the game together, we share our opinion. My uncle is like my brother.
銆銆鏈夋椂鍊欐垜浼氬拰浠栦竴璧鋒墦 綃鐞 鎴栬呮垜浠涓璧風湅姣旇禌錛屽郊姝ゅ垎浜鎰忚併傛垜鐨勫彅鍙斿氨鍍忔槸鎴戠殑鍏勫紵銆
銆銆鎴戠殑鍙斿彅 My Uncle浣滄枃浜
銆銆Jason was my uncle.He used to be a manager.Now he works as a teacher in a university. He thinks it is good for him to be a teacher instead of being a manager. He likes to talk with the young people so that he can keep young for ever. Students enjoy his lessons very much and everyone says he is a good teacher.East week, he went to America to attend a meeting on teaching,I like my uncle.