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發布時間:2024-07-20 22:35:08

⑴ 閫熷害涓庢縺鎯7鍟ら厭鍙拌瘝

甯屾湜浣犺兘鍠滄~~(銇ワ浚 3錕)銇
1.Because I'll be there to kick your ass if you ain't. 濡傛灉浣犱笉濂藉ソ琛ㄧ幇錛屾垜灝卞紕姝諱綘銆
2.Remember錛宼he second you go through those doors,everything changes錛孫ur old life is done. 璁頒綇!浣犱竴鏃﹁笍鍏ラ偅鎵囬棬,涓鍒囬兘鏀瑰彉浜嗭紝榪囧幓鐨勭敓媧諱笉澶嶅瓨鍦ㄤ簡銆
3.And we got it cooking like a one-eyed stove. 鎴戜滑鐨勭儹鐏鐬闂寸偣鐕冮粦澶溿
4.Couldn't slow down so we had to crash it. 緇濅笉鏀炬參閫熷害錛屽畞鎰跨矇韜紕庨ㄣ
5.You can catch me kissin' my girl with both eye closed. 浜插惢濮戝樼殑鏃跺欙紝鎴戞墠浼氶棴鐪箋
6.I see some people ahead that we gon' pass. 鍓嶉潰鐨勫規墜鎴戜滑閮借佽秴瓚娿
7.I never feared death or dying錛孖 only fear never trying. 鎴戜粠涓嶅蟲曟諱骸錛屽彧瀹蟲曟棤鐤捐岀粓銆
8.I am whatever I am錛孫nly God can judge me. 鎴戝氨鏄鎴戱紝鍙鏈変笂甯濇墠鑳藉規垜鎸囨寚鐐圭偣銆
9.We the fam and loyalty never change up. 鎴戜滑浜插備竴瀹訛紝褰兼ゆ案榪滃繝璇氥
10.Jumpin out on anybody who try to say some one thing about it. 鏈変漢璇勫ご璁鴻凍錛屾垜灝辮╀綘闂鍢淬
11.Show them the respect they deserve, or it weakens us.
12.Nobody makes me do anything I don't want to. 閭e氨鏄娌℃湁浜鴻兘寮鴻揩鎴戝仛鎴戜笉鎯沖仛鐨勪簨銆
13.Some things you just have to take on faith. 鏈夋椂浣犲彧闇渚濋潬淇″康銆
14.It takes an amazing woman.He's an amazing guy. 浣犳槸涓鍑鴻壊鐨勫コ浜猴紝浠栨槸涓涓嶉敊鐨勭敺浜恆
15.Father, thank you for the gathering of friends.Father, we give thanks for all the choices we've made,because that's what makes us who we are.Let us forever cherish the loved ones we've lost along the way.
16.You don't know me,You're about to. 浣犱笉璁よ瘑鎴戱紝浣犻┈涓婁細璁よ瘑浜嗐
17.I never thought I would believe that a criminal. Now they can. We also. 鎴戜粠鏉ユ病鎯寵繃鎴戜細鐩鎬俊涓涓緗鐘銆傜幇鍦ㄤ細浜嗐傛垜浠涔熸槸銆
18.want to catch the big fish, deep water to get. 鎯抽挀澶ч奔錛屽緱鍒版繁姘村幓銆
19.if you want to use violence, we can try. 濡傛灉浣犳兂浣跨敤鏆村姏錛屽挶浠鍙浠ヨ瘯璇曘
20.I with Shaw cooperation, material, weapons, money, woman... What are the. 鎴戣窡鑲栧悎浣滐紝鐗╄川錛屾﹀櫒錛岄噾閽憋紝濂充漢„浠涔堥兘鏈夈
21.she survived. She's in hell for a walk, stronger. 濂規椿浜嗕笅鏉ャ 濂瑰湪鍦扮嫳璧頒竴閬錛屽彉寰楁洿鍧氬己浜嗐
22.as the "amnesty" and "amnesty", the day we were born, these words will disappea. 灝卞傚悓鈥滃ぇ璧︹濆拰鈥滅壒璧︹ 錛屾垜浠鍑虹敓鐨勯偅澶╋紝榪欎簺璇嶅氨娑堝け浜嗐
23.something we carry together, he went to have a look two people together are better than one. 鏈変簨澶у朵竴璧鋒墰錛屼粬鍘諱篃鏈変釜鐓у簲 涓や釜浜哄湪涓璧鋒繪瘮涓涓浜哄己銆 24.Guys. Do something, my butt sitting below the tank! 浼欒′滑!鍋氱偣浠涔堬紝鎴戝眮鑲′笅闈㈠潗鐨勬槸鍧﹀厠鍟!
25.I couldn't believe it, they steal the tank is to grab a 85 gramchips. 鎴戠畝鐩翠笉鏁㈢浉淇★紝浠栦滑鍋峰潶鍏嬪彧鏄涓轟簡鎶涓涓85鍏嬬殑鑺鐗囥
26.Enough. I don't know anything, but at least know one thing:don't make me do things I don't want to.
27.I'm living philosophy: I never participate in the game. 鎴戞椿鐫鐨勭悊蹇碉細鎴戜粠鏉ヤ笉鍙備笌娓告垙銆
28.You are standing in the wrong on, bitch. 浣犵珯閿欏逛簡錛屽婂瓙!
29.I never thought I would believe that a criminal. 鎴戜粠鏉ユ病鎯寵繃鎴戜細鐩鎬俊涓涓緗鐘銆
30..Drag racing or death. 椋欒濺鎴栬呮諱骸銆
嬈㈣繋鎮ㄧ殑鍔犲叆~鍒嗕韓鐭ヨ瘑~鍒嗕韓蹇涔悀~(銇ワ浚 3錕)銇



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