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kanliao2 one/time html

發布時間:2024-08-01 07:56:09

⑴ 銆婂叏鑱岀寧浜恆嬫湁杈逛釜緗戠珯鍙浠ュ湪綰挎敹鐪嬶紵


⑵ 鑻辮鏃ヨ

Today, the weather good, I played very late, no homework, playing the Club computer. I saw a morning television, made for a job, the afternoon had been outside playing! Three. Today, I am happy! Bar job is almost done, finally Kanliaoyihui TV. I am starting early, will be the first to play the computer, went to eat. I played on the computer one day, his eyes tired, went to sleep early! Today is the last day of holiday, the bags packed and finally check the job!


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