⑴ 抖音直播錄的視頻在哪裡找到
1. 啟動抖音應用程序,並 navigate 到「我的」頁面。
2. 點擊右上角的三條橫線圖標,展開菜單。
3. 在菜單中 select 「創作者服務中心」選項。
4. 進入後,locate 「主播中心」並 click on it。
5. Within the live streaming section, find and click on 「直播回放」 to access previous live sessions.
Additional Information:
TikTok is a social media app for creative music video sharing, incubated by ByteDance. On July 30, 2020, the Beijing Internet Court ruled that TikTok had infringed upon users' personal information. In September, the Beijing Market Supervision Administration convened the heads of six internet companies, including TikTok, for an administrative consultation meeting on implementing the "Yangtze River fishing ban" policy. In January 2021, the "TikTok" platform was penalized for administrative violations. In June 2021, TikTok was fined 30,000 yuan for providing content prohibited by regulations. On January 26, 2021, TikTok announced a partnership with the Spring Festival Gala of the Central廣播電視總局 to become the exclusive interactive red envelope partner. On June 21, 2021, TikTok officially launched the web version for testing, updating its official website as well. On September 1, 2021, TikTok issued a notice to further strengthen the special rectification of the chaos in the "fans' circle". In May 25, 2023, TikTok announced a partnership with China Science Communication, Voice of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and others to launch a youth science creation plan.
⑵ 濡備綍鍦ㄦ姈闊崇殑鐩存挱涓鎾鏀劇數褰
1. 瑙i攣鎵嬫満鍚庯紝鎵懼埌妗岄潰涓婄殑鎶栭煶APP錛屾墦寮銆
2. 榪涘叆涓婚〉闈㈠悗錛岀偣鍑誨簳閮ㄧ殑鈥滃姞鍙封濆浘鏍囥
3. 鐒跺悗鐐瑰嚮鍙充笅鏂圭殑寮鐩存挱閫夐」銆
4. 鐒跺悗璁劇疆鐩稿叧鐩存挱鏍囬橈紝鍦ㄤ笅鏂歸夋嫨鎯寵佺殑鐩存挱璁懼囷紝閫夋嫨鈥滃綍灞忊濆垯浣跨敤鎵嬫満鎾鏀劇數褰辨潵鐩存挱錛岄夋嫨鈥滅數鑴戔濆垯浣跨敤鐢佃剳鎶曞睆鏉ョ洿鎾銆
5. 鑻ユ灉閫夋嫨鈥滃綍灞忊濈偣鍑諱箣鍚庯紝鐩存帴灝卞彲浠ュ紑鍚鐩存挱浜嗭紝閫夋嫨鈥滅數鑴戔濊繕闇瑕佺敵璇鋒潈闄愶紝榪涜岃韓浠借よ瘉錛屽畬鎴愬悗灝卞彲浠ュ紑鍚鐩存挱錛岃繘琛屾挱鏀劇數褰變簡銆
⑶ 鎶栭煶鐩存挱鏀劇數褰辨庝箞鎿嶄綔