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發布時間:2024-09-22 10:21:05

Ⅰ 亞瑟在線為什麼上不去了


Ⅱ 求關於亞瑟王的簡介,帶中文翻譯,三分鍾左右,在線等!!!

King Arthur (English: King Arthur, full name: Arthur 潘德拉 root) is a legendary king of England, but also the most popular Celtic hero spectrum Knights of the Round Table knights leader, an almost legendary mythical figure. Medieval writers, especially the French writer, on the birth of King Arthur and his knights of adventure, and his knights Lancelot and Arthur's queen grid
Niwei children of altery, has a different description. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, he led the Knights of the Round Table unified the British Isles, was later known as King Arthur. Later believe that Arthur should not in a particular historical figure as a basis shaped by the people, but the overhead of a fictional character, so there is no historical record on this person.

亞瑟王(英語:King Arthur、全名:亞瑟·潘德拉根)是英格蘭傳說中的國王,也是凱爾特英雄譜中最受歡迎的圓桌騎士團的騎士首領,一位近乎神話般的傳奇人物。中世紀作家,特別是法國家,對亞瑟王的出生、他的騎士們的奇遇,以及他的騎士蘭斯洛和亞瑟的王後格尼薇兒的姦情,都有不同的描述。他在羅馬帝國瓦解之後,率領圓桌騎士團統一了不列顛群島,被後人尊稱為亞瑟王。



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