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m qingsetang

发布时间:2024-07-26 16:49:10

⑴ 鍏充簬闄堟氱敓鐨勮嫳鏂囨枃绔

With his guitar in hand, Chen Chusheng enters the final round of the Happy Boy contest this week. He doesn't have what the other finalists have - Su Xing's good looks, Zhang Jie's high pitch or Wei Chen's passion. But his abilith to write songs and his polsed manner make him special.

Chen began picking up the guitar in his high school years, and left his home on Hainan to pursue his dream. He started as a pub singer in Shengzhen. The talent show changed his life. We talked to the 26-year-old about the unknown side of him.

21st: Describe yourself in three words.
Chen: First: shy. I'm reluctant to join any social event or gathering, but I enjoy being with my friends.
Second: calm. In life, I am not easily disturbed by outside influences. On stage, I can keep performing in my own style.
Third: changeable. One manute, I might look cold; the next, I might be cothusiastic.

21st: What changed your character most?
Chen: Learning to play the guitar affected me most. In my teen years, I was irritable. But the music made me calm down. I became steady and now think independently.

21st: What's your most unforgettable pub singing experience?
Chen; I can't forget the hard times when no pub would even hire me. Once I had to perform in Shenzhen on Spring Festival's Eve. When everyone else was home enjoying a big dinner. I was riding buses from one pub to another to catch the show.
However, those seven years exposed me to all types of musical styles and gave me plenty of stage experience. My deepest regret is that I never studied music at school.

21st: You're an active composer. Where do you get the inspiration?
Chen: I wrote about my own experiences. I composed Has Anyone Told You About I when I went home one winter night. All my old friends went to meet me. They did that every time I went back. I got a very special feeling, a mixture of guilt and regrets, from being so far from home over the years. I happened to take my guitar with me and used it to record my feelings.

21st: Rumors have that you divorced a model and have a son. Is that true?
Chen: I won't be borthered by the nonsense and just focus on my music. I believe the truth will speak for me.




CS:1.瀹崇緸 鎴戞绘槸涓嶅お鍠滄㈠弬鍔犵ぞ浜ゆ椿鍔ㄦ垨鑰呰仛浼,浣嗘槸鍚屾湅鍙嬩滑鍦ㄤ竴璧锋垜浼氶潪甯稿紑蹇









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